Forgive me Bird, I see Knack somehow ended up on my list even though I haven’t played it. Some orher things also ended up in the wrong spaces.
>DD top tier
This ones been in my backlog for ages. I’ll probably bug you when I get around to it.
>think highly of KH2
I was absolutely blown away when I finally dug into it. Absolutely phenomenal combat depth and use of RPG elements, not to mention how damn good of a toolkit it has. Great bosses as well.
>mixing up FM and vanilla versions
>thoughts on RE5/6
RE5 carries a lot of the core mechanics from 4, including the hit reactions/zones, melees, weapon properties, etc, and has some new toys to play with(not all of them are great). I put it lower due to the constant AI partner potentially taking resources or needing babysat, somewhat worse pacing, and inferior bosses. If you love RE4 combat though it’s pretty lovely, and as Roy noted, the co-op is an absolute joy. 6 takes a different turn with the mechanics, guns are somewhat de-emphasized to focus more on melee/mobility and while some things are whack(the shotguns got nerfed into oblivion) it’s also a blast and is honestly very unique. The pacing and “oh god this part...” segments drag it down though.
>never played sons of liberty
Oh I have, about a million times, I just threw it there with never played so it wouldn’t hog two spots. I think I may have goofed on a few things, as I noted.
Noted. Is there a preferred version to play? Is the hardest difficulty available from the start?