For dead/dying franchises I can understand it though, wanting a remake that is. It's an easy way to give the franchise new life or try new things. Speaking as a fan, I wouldn't mind a Golden Sun remake for example - saves on time/budget and might spark new interest.
But for RE4, the only reason I can think of remaking it is so that people can play the series new 'timeline' in the same style. In which case they'd still have to remake the RE1-remake, which is just fucking stupid in my eyes.
I've been thinking a lot yesterday about if I were to remake RE4, what would I change, and I seriously couldn't think of many things. The one thing I might change is very minor stuff like making the Mercenaries characters unlockable for the campaign, more (optional?) puzzles (the ones in it were pretty meh imo) and maybe have the team take another look at some of the bosses (while interesting, I do feel a lot of them fall flat on repeat runs).
But that's it really, and I'm pretty sure the remake won't do those things. It'll probably double down on the combat (which will somehow be worse), remove the "bingo" and maybe if we're really unlucky make Ashley a fully controllable co-op partner that wields a weapon and doesn't need no Leon haha.
> books be rewritten
One thing I've noticed though is that books tend to have a ton of versions however, comics as well, and I don't hear anyone talk about this. Batman comics have this a lot with later versions having entire balloons rewritten while books have small sentences changed. Even when translations aren't in order. Friend of mine is a big fan of Dune and owns like 20 copies of the book and they are all subtly different - very strange.
That said, books get remakes technically nearly every other week. You don't just have Lord of the Rings as a book. You have the illustrated version. The version with a forword from Neil Gaimen. A version with movie-styled covers. A version with thin paper and a map. A version with hardcover with no illustration. One with etc. Those are technically speaking the remakes of that medium I'd say. Just take a look at this haha:> remakes in movies
There's a pretty good interview with Anthony Mackie about this: also notes remakes.
> remakes and old systems
I think that it's mostly the SD vs HD era, which I can understand somewhat. I've now finally got a CRT so old games look gorgeous again, but playing a washed out version of a childhood favourite sucks. Most HD remasters are also terrible, so yeah, I get it sometimes. But I do feel we should remake more games that were actually broken/unfinished/bad/had potential. Like, Metal Gear Rising for example. Fantastic game, but very rushed and unfinished. That game could really benefit from a remake I'd say, or a revisitation at least. Not MGS2. Not MGS3. But MGRR.