> distance gauging, no tension
Can't argue with personal feelings, I mean I don't share them, but hey that's the name of the game. Personally I really enjoyed the tight corridors, not knowing what's around the corner, hearing the zombie far away but not being sure how close he is - it's a nice feeling of horror for me. You could tap them with a pistol to gauge their location, and a kill was usually more a "shit, now I gotta get rid of the body...".
> upperbody focus
For Jill's jiggly juggles.
> it's a RE game
> 4 didn't have this
I mean, that was the point. RE4 was made to be something completely different, and it's why people generally note "classic RE" and "modern RE", with the latter being post-RE4. RE1, 2, 3, CVX, Remake and Zero all follow this 'backtracking' formula. It wasn't until RE4 that the series became lineair (with some dabbles later-on like in Revelations which tried to mix the two).
Did you go into REmake expecting it to play a bit like RE4?
Personally I really enjoy the whole backtracking but as you noted, only when it keeps things interesting. REmake does this pretty nicely, though I like it the most in RE3 where Nemesis just is a constant menace and there's a ton of ' choice ' moments that slightly alter the game in some way, making replays constently interesting too.
> back and forth isn't scary
You note later you played on Easy, so not sure if it applies to that setting, but that is the opposite for me and I'm surprised to hear this. RE2 and CVX do suffer from this, but REmake constantly spawns new enemies, respawns enemies (Crimson) and remixes the population after specific events making once safe places unsafe. I never feel safe.
RE3 has Nemesis to mix it up as noted, which is neat.
> Hard mode
The game gets quite a bit of extra difficulty per setting, ChrisHard is a whole level of its own in that sense, especially once you stack on the bonus difficulty modifiers (invisible enemies and such). If you're going to replay, I'd suggest Normal Mode first.
> limited movement
I often see talk on Twitter that the limited movement or tank-controls are 'dated' and holding the games back, but honestly once you adapt to them you're very mobile and can avoid enemy attacks easily. It has a bit of a learningcurve, sure, but it isn't limited in my book. Same with RE4. TEW1 has great controls but I don't feel like the addition of strafing, running or move+shoot added much.
> doornob
There's a doornob of a door that, if you use the door too often, will break. It's pretty infamous for fucking players over that forget about it during a run, resulting in them having to run halfway across the world to get to the other side with Hunters everywhere.