Can't believe an EA game of all things is probably the biggest passion project I've played in the last decade. This is how you do a remaster:
Not only does it have two graphical options, a fun tongue in cheek intro mimicking the old instalation animation, quality of life changes that are all optional through a simple menu, mission select, fixing of minor bugs and all original console exclusive even features unlockable behind the scenes recordings thought lost 20 years ago. Add new skirmish modes, online, my god this game. It even went so far as to use the 90's logo of EA in its menu. Fantastic. Absolute hats off to EA and Petroglyph. Anyone else picking this up?
Not only does it have two graphical options, a fun tongue in cheek intro mimicking the old instalation animation, quality of life changes that are all optional through a simple menu, mission select, fixing of minor bugs and all original console exclusive even features unlockable behind the scenes recordings thought lost 20 years ago. Add new skirmish modes, online, my god this game. It even went so far as to use the 90's logo of EA in its menu. Fantastic. Absolute hats off to EA and Petroglyph. Anyone else picking this up?