As before, they skipped town on Pegasus Flight with FP while Brady did just HP.
>Tail Whip
>Dark Energy
If they're calling the sub-boss Dark Griffin Rider, why not? These things scaling is one of those rare projectile cases.
>10K HP memes
I wonder if the shoulder ram trick to 'skip' hits them for a collision each time. Could GK on VH kill it in 100 impacts? Would it just pop out of existence? Would this let us skip the throw in PF1? PF2 would just skip the Roc (as is known).
Chicken more like.
>Dark Griffin Rider
>Dark Orbs
Hellzone Grenade more like (fucking unavoidable bullshit). Krate ain't got no 'android barrier'. What's with the 0, 5 or 10? I recall it doing 10 on the first go. Think it was 5 on the second and beyond. When can it be 0? Fail enough? I'm sure Zim would like to know. Donte, too. It ignoring i-frames is typical, but it isn't like we have options while in that wind channel (that probably should have harmed us if scraping the sides, really).
>Cursed Harpy (PF2)
>Zephyrus' Dive
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-QtJry1yII&t=40sAh, yes. One of the wind jobbers (not pushed like Boreas). Could have gotten cute with femboy talk if going Roman (Venti). Are we even traveling Westward? Fates shouldn't be that way, but they put them at an edge with a made-up island apparently over Atlas, so to the West makes sense in general. We using this fancy name for 'Dive' for the same move elsewhere? *peaks ahead* Yep. And it better do less than here (where they can have more build-up flying at us). *checks* Same (disgusting).
NOTE: Odd they can't mass-grab and go wild, but it is before the time of 'rally'. Even still, poor lads can't even latch on to peek away at us or try to pull off Pegasus.
>same opp
>same move
>normal circumstance
And now it has RP. Sure. Let's see what FP called the move in this context. "Flyby". Okay.
>Biting Barrage
"Grab and Peck". Peck is enough (Pecking Order would be cutesy). Having it blockable is a little too sweet (at least for the Cursed version later that should be upgrading it). It would be funny to see someone doing NGR+ on E with GA just to take a hit from this (losing 72HP while just about everything else gets shrugged off). I can already see the pained look on Mustafa's face. This being an attack with 0RP to gain from taking hits is rough.
Guide was claiming 10 for all variants.
>Fates Sentry
>Overhead Chop
They go with "Sword Slam". Yours is better.
>Double Slash
"Arm and Sword". I get what they're going for, but no.
>wall version
No data from FP.
>Upwards Slash
Up-Slash suits me. Likely whiffs on his right.
>Side Slash
>halved RP returns if taken while not on the wall
Worth knowing. One wonders if other RP sources double when we are on the wall or if this is some other interaction at play.
>Downward Slash
Down-Slash. Probably lacking hitbox on his left.
'Dislodge'. Long wall fall to ignore RO would be amusing to see. Getting dumped near the ground to take nothing, too. Zesty would be very pleased with that.
>Slash (ceiling)
Poor sod gets no grab this time and deals less DMG.
>Slash (rope)
Similar, but has a grab this time.
NOTE: Not sure if N/A applies here for i-frame ignoring really. We had a 'no' for wall slashes and it isn't like the scenarios differ.
Dismount? I suppose if over solid ground it doesn't matter at all (like in one bog case).
>Erebus Minotaur
Dash & Gore they call it. "Gore" is a good term, actually. Should probably be that. Also, SEM cannot use this move without Theseus doing his rally (taunt). The SEM faced after waking the steeds lack him, so they straight up don't have the move at all.
Axe Slam. Yours is better.
>Triple Attack
Trio Slash. I'll go with yours. Also, I can't recall if SEM use this or not. Probably should have made the slashes weak at the start (3/3) with the finale stronger than the single (as this is 2H). Maybe as much as 9? The opener being weaker could also be justified (2/4) since you get less time to react. GoS messes up such a case by having the first be super strong and the rest is weak. Not good design.
This is a defensive reaction (as with false OS or too man blocks). I can't recall them ever doing it raw. *tests* Nope. And it absolutely will always be followed by the overhead chop. GoW1 had this do 0DMG, but this one opts to hurt us. The follow-up here is 1DMG, too? *tests* Looks like the other chop. Or is it hitting twice and I didn't see it? Maybe it really fast. As such, it may as well be thought of as 1RP.
>Undead Archer
>Apollo's Sting
For this move? They just say "Arrow Shoot". I'd expect a neat name for something more worthy like an explosive.
>Artemis' Strike
"Bash and Shout". Odd they call it that without mentioning the follow-up shot. Really, it is a 'bow bash' (just that it goes into a shot). The slap scaling will catch people by surprise in GK VH (relative to E GA where DMG is 1.25 instead of 50 *knock the taste out of your mouth just for the arrow to tickle at 2 still*).
>Gorgon A
"Claw Strike". I prefer our old name. I bet it misses the old output it had with this move (and ability to call upon it from 'outta nowhere'). Too bad even Queens don't see it return to true form here.
NOTE: This is a case they cite 'Magic' as a means to interrupt (where something like s1 would fail).
>Serpentine Lash
Bit dressed up (versus "Tail Swipe). Suits me fine.
>Double Slap
Dual Strike. Either is fine.
>Gorgon Stare
Stone Beam. I'll go with GS (or Stare).
NOTE: Version difference on which have slaps or is this just a page divide? And the RP building on escape is an exploitable thing to keep in mind for sure. Any place where we can get petrified is an RP farming opportunity, really. Slow and steady.
>Super Griffin
More a 'Griffin Rider', but I get why you go this route (since the dude can just leap off and it doesn't subtract HP). All the more reason I wish CWB was a thing (so it could hit them as fused foes).
Beating you to death is hilarious (NGR+ bros). No RP, either. This move is funny to me, so I might have meme'd it up calling it "Backshots" or "No Home" or "No Reacharound". Activation DMG hurts the soul of ND lads (even before having THAT scale *at least it wasn't all the rest or this would be applying for GoS status*).
>Dark Projectile
Interrupt? I suppose you mean the burst, boost, etc. I don't think bow shots do the trick. No scaling? S Sucks for it.
>Dark Rider A
I recall them claiming he was 500HP even though it is just a race. I wonder if even with GA spam of lvl5 BoA on E there is any hope of doing enough to this fool in the time afforded. Doubtful.
>Piercing Shards
Accurate. Him getting just 5DMG from this is PATHETIC. Did my guy have lvl0 SoD? And no RP? Cheap dick. His version scaling is pretty BS though (50 against GK VH).
>SoD Attack
Deadly Slash. My guy lacks Altering. Would have been funny if he had it and we needed to i-frame with a dash to negate the bomb.
Just phoning it in with values, SSM?
Don't even remember him doing this. Dark Barrage, then. Dark Penta if you prefer. This scaling would have been nasty business (like making this an actual fight).
>Fates Guardian
Their i-frames irk me a bit at dizzy (aside from the weird knockback collision it does). No false OS reaction at all. Just blocks (no real reaction). Wake-up is what you note.
NOTE: RotT messes with easy mashing (cue) for air RotF, which hurts the ability to work its best place to shine (floating over things easily). I forgot it disables Athena's Wrath (whatever) just as it replaces S with 'Torment'.
>Double Slash
Up & Down Slash. The ol' Heave-Ho. Their only actual move.
>Overhead Chop
1. Is it? Can't even make us kneel? How sad (and true). I'd be tempted to call it Sissy Slap. Only way its lot gets worse is lacking scaling. Triggering wake-up was easy in GoW1, but I can barely get them on purpose in GoWII.
>Rabid Hound
6sHP is such an odd call.
>Jumping Bite
Jump and Bite. Yours is better.
Lunge and Bite. Same note (though you could differentiate based on the action leading into the biting if just calling it 'Lunge' or 'Jump').
Rabid (rather than Rapid) Bite? "Maul" also works. FP missed this move.
NOTE: Surprised we are setting aside shake-out times.
>Cerberus A
>and B
I see. So it is just a page change thing. Alright. I wonder how its values different from the 'boss' version.
Claw Strike. Yours is to the point.
>Triple Fireball
Fireball. A rare GB type. Those values are surprising (as with the scaling). With the RP as it is, I would imagine a single ball is worth 1RP, then. Take 25 in the face from 0 to reach enough to activate. Going to need some low EP% for that to not be a problem.
Dash & Bite? FP, where is the bite? Nah, even 'Ram' makes more sense (with those horns).
Busting on the good words. They just went with "Jump & Pin". This not going until we die is a change from GoW1 edition. Having multiple of them at once in a 'no evade' (NGR+) toss, then another does it and repeats until we die would be funny (like a similar case of throw trap from Minotaur Grunts *based on RNG*). Mind you, this is a blockable (for some reason). These jobbers couldn't even GB for their 'ram'. Sad!