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SoD testing with Kira

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1SoD testing with Kira Empty SoD testing with Kira Fri May 24, 2024 12:17 am


God of War
Expert on all things God of War

In the spirit of the BH edition, this is primarily about more overlooked tools.  Absolutely NOT Piercing Shards then (as I've done extensive work with it to the point many vets appreciate its finer qualities).  No, the primary focus will be Altering Slash (AS) and Unfortunate Remains (UR).  Both of which are upgrade options (Deadly Slash *DS* is lvl1, but you don't get 'altering' until lvl3 *thus a MAX ability for no good reason*).  Sadly, non-PS crystal abilities don't get to be non-P%, so they scale (and are worse on VH).  The SAINT mod doesn't quite cover the parameter of P%, so we can't have E DO (Dark Odyssey) as a super glass cannon.  Got to settle on VH DO (not as powerful on the offensive side *ignoring collisions*).  I'll refrain from repeating myself on SoD improvement suggestions.

Right, so that's the primary.  Those two moves.  Secondary?  Normals are permitted yet restrictive (not fully prohibited).  No real restrictions on non-weapons (as before) though focus should always try to be about the focus (grabs will still get a workout as ever).  Among spells, I myself would prefer to NOT use these options.  Maybe EH (as remains/altering taking out things would be amusing).  Personally, I would prefer not to bring the others too much into this (least of all P% scaling things as with AQ or CR).  This a MAX run if not already clear.  NG+.  A meme with focus testing more so than a challenge.

Consulting Wright's datamining tests (and recalling VH DO means x1.5), we see that AS will be 27/22.5 (the latter being the blast).  This while UR offers 18/22.5/22.5.  Presumably the bomb is the same in most regards.  I already know the hit properties are different.  AS as a strike can interrupt in decent fashion, but nothing crazy.  No knockback.  The blast?  Has it.  UR is in a similar spot with a downing effect.  Not even a bounce.  The blast?  It can bounce, just not mediums.  Unfortunate.  While much more can be said, let's save it for the proper write-up (just below), shall we?  No need to get it all out of the way instantly, yeah?  Anyway, there is a TON to cover among known, forgotten and unknowns, so let's begin.


Rhodes Temple:Antechamber

-To lead with it, you can work UR, restart and have the explosion go off upon the reload, but this is highly questionable as a tactic not just for utility value, but just for being overly exploitive.  I'll sometimes mention it, but not rely on it as such.  Would it be workable here?  No, that opening canned animation prevents it from being a thing.  First hurdle?  Foes that have too little HP for AS.  You can ALTER a target with a kill shot, but it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY to take.  Mostly happens in bugged cases where you hit too many things (sometimes leading to primary hit whiffing on clearly hits *limits as you can notice on other strikes*) yet it applies the status where it should have landed.  The boon of DO works against us on these low HP foes where this move is concerned (for that part of its function).  Getting a bugged alter that isn't on-kill is...highly improbable even trying for it.

On the brightside, it is strong enough to outright kill so as to stop their incoming attacks.  Likewise for UR.  Just the explosion from either will one-shot these enemies (thanks to DO).  Use of CC will cancel both altering and UR (you can be safe and do so anyway, but not while keeping these threats in play).  An altered foe (purplized) will STILL detonate even if slain (or petrified) though seemingly not for a bugged alter (on-death).  With so few takers, I can't really talk much about multi-altering (yet).  No stacking on the same target, but rather multiple 'bombs' placed with a single swing.  Unlike souls (from BH), you can switch to BoA and both are fine.  So there's that.  UR frequently bugs out even on perfectly flat surfaces (even though it can be out when another is still active).  No real clue as to why that happens, which is a huge mark against it in my book.

Rhodes Temple:Hall

-Can funnel and AS/UR.  Could go to the exit boundary (after baiting the spectacle set-piece moment).  Hop to the other side.  Attack with AS/UR through the wall.  Typically UR will FAIL if you try to use it through solid surfaces,  No bomb.  Likewise, it will fail over cliffs, typically.  This referring to those with kill floors.  However, if from a high point, it can leave a bomb (just that it will not hover above, but however far below the floor is *if up the ladder, all the way down to the bottom, for example*).  So far, AS is mostly treated like Deadliest Slash (not even Deadlier since this is lvl3).  Not much altering going on (and even less with explosions *at least when they go off, they're real...up to this point*).  Since it is OHKO, the factor of things attacking through doesn't factor for it (unlike with UR *that is just stuffing them the old fashioned way*).

Colossus 1

-Restart from the balcony break isn't a thing.  After it?  You have to be VERY precise in placement under his opening roar/taunt (and he will complete the opening version before recoiling anyway).  Way more trouble than worth for UR (even with instant breakpoint).  While he recovers, he is INVINCIBLE.  This means if you land AS to get an application that takes as he begins to start his people toss (even raw), it will do nothing as it detonates.  Has to be during other animations.  I find that you can BUG apply altering on the boss, and it seems to work while landing AS on another (if you hit him, he will reach the breakpoint as this foe also lacks the HP to take a shot on the chin).  Doing this can apply altering to the boss despite not hitting him (clearly so) though seemingly only while trying to multi-alter (even with just one soldier).  Multi-alter is (L) rotation during the AS animation.  I find that clockwise (CW) works better than CCW (working with the spin versus against it).  I couldn't bug alter the boss without this.  Granted, it isn't the most useful thing.

In terms of strats, all the obvious stuff works with baiting an attack, tricking and punishing.  Could alter (good luck) a soldier to have that set off to take him out.  While UR from above will not hit soldiers, it does reach low enough with the primary hit to punish his hand slam (but then again, so too does AS).  Bait it, hop up, keep far back enough (or trick) and get in for UR (from above).  This alone does the trick though you could also try timing things for the bomb to go off as he comes into range (once more, good luck).  If on the platform trying to UR downward, you will find you cannot UR close enough to blast him if doing his central pound.  Likewise, you cannot UR over his ledge (with respects to the bomb).  Our attacks won't let us go over the edge, so attacking while moving towards it is a good way to get as close as you can.

Easy enough to hop the platform shake (then the second) and punish (just that an aerial assault version would have been all the sweeter *in terms of tools*).  Baiting it to hop below is a thing, too.  Can just ledge hang off the corner closest to him, pull up and if you stay exactly where this places you, he will think you're front (background) and center.  You cannot reach him from here even with AS (in terms of central pound or roar), but you can hop down during the shockwave (that will make his allies behave *the tailspin off this being fake, so don't count on collisions*) to punish.  Obviously a well placed alter or remains will leave time enough to get into position to send the rock on the third beak (early pull) just as with the strat for opening the door in the first room during the mini-cutscene.  Because the altered blasts insta-kill, you cannot count on them for knockback collisions on the boss.

Rhodes' Bathhouse

-UR works on the water surface for some reason.  Slightly elevated ground seems to disagree with bomb planting.  UR allowed to cook until just before activation with bomb planted near opps works just fine.  Really, just get high ground (or attack through thinner obstacles (the gate would work just that we can't get behind it during the fight).  Pillars work, but the ladder is best.  Odd that the invisible wall side with rails allows UR over it.

Colossus 2

-Invincible until we get down.  No surprise in terms of punishment.  My old strat of make him recoil, side-switch, let him rage pound and punish his resting state just after finishing it (with AS *from the other side*) works just fine.  The new way disallows him to attack, but it is hard to time and space.  Drop during opener, then AS his resting hand as he would go for the usual hand slam.  Get between the unlit torch and the one to the right.  Try to time for a just after his head comes up (as his arms do).  This is the closest point where you can land AS.  While alter can hit during all this, it isn't a factor, sadly.  Not strong enough while the direct hit is (and doesn't need the blast).  Deadliest Slash wins again (for now).  UR gets no bitches once more.  AS is able to trigger while messing with breakable objects, it seems.  To some extent, anyway.  Not super useful here, but it is an option.

Rhodes Palace:Hallways

-Can't UR through these gates.  Just the backtrack door.  Lame.  AS won't reach, either.  Multi-alter strats can work to bug an alter on a foe you didn't touch that is near enough, but it really isn't something to count on, sadly.  I could leave a UR to blow up the first advancing pair or the archers, but not the big cluster between them (nor the next bunch if forging ahead).  Attacking through walls with AS (around corners) works just fine.

-Here I just went with blocking a bit ahead of the boundary (letting them push me just beyond it before AS).  Turtle (if still near enough) to feel out arrows, then backroll (the arrows can't go beyond the boundary).  Next, roll to get them in view and block.  Advance when safe.  Often a soldier gets stuck behind/between them.  Get within AS tip-range to SLAY ALL.

-Go up the elevator and slap the Colossus in the eye (UR, AS, UR)

Rhodes Palace:Western Ramparts

-First instance of too high for UR (if aiming below).  Can land on a shimmy ledge below (not useful).  Holds true over the beams, too.  Uphill still an issue for the exit boundary.  UR could be used (just barely enough room if really precise) atop first foreground box down to the rampart below.  Background boxes are more iffy, but can UR off the rampart (radius barely enough to catch those really near).  Not great.  AS does better.  The jank is VERY stronk here.  Hard to miss.  Anyway, I hop up, pull to shimmy, wait for rightside arrow to loose, keep BoA out (for air block), rush along foreground to go 'above' the leftside archer's position (while defending as needed) before AS to clear them.  Next rush the archers by the door for AS.  Kick the door.  UR for the glass.  Still have to wait on the loading.  With the weird way spawns work, blow off the guys left behind for until the next part is done.  When they're cleared, just AS.

-Dabbled in skipping.  Not too hard (even easier with SoD LJ).  Without SoD, it was a careful DJ from over the ladder (around the bend to the first platform-lite of the beam, then hopping to the next (they can't land shots here).  Hop across towards the EXP chest (can be easier if you intentionally ledge catch, correct and backleap from hang shimmy).  Same idea for the next spot (going left).  Land on the beam.  I forget if the last one required this maneuver again (with SoD it was just a simple LJ).  Can bomb from above with UR to the archers to start things off.  Then UR below to the soldier(s) from this safety (before closing in on remaining archers to give them a final taste).  Another way was to drop down the beams, quick roll under archers (with BoA), then DJ into air block for safe approach before AS antics.  Can hop below to AS the soldier(s).

Rhodes Palace:Eastern Ramparts

-UR checkpoint thing applies.  Cute.  I did a double (just enough time for it).

Colossus 3

Stage 1 - If you hop the rails to the stairs, you can roll into the boss arena for a start that is a bit closer.  I felt like UR has better dps  if able to keep close.  For it, punishing fissure worked well enough (can land bombs over the edge).  With AS, I worked the right (still baiting fissures).  AS still does respectably for the central attack's punish (not so much UR).  Sadly, AS on the hands does not seem to bug apply AS to the boss.

Stage 2 - ...

Stage 3 - ...

Stage 4 - Get just ahead of the hand to bait Flamethrower (it won't reach).  Best to be as far right as you can be to more quickly get under it for punish be it AS or UR (latter is probably better here).

Inside the Colossus

-UR from below (with space so the bomb can plant) is an option.  Can just slash them dead.
(Shaft 1) Break it and navigate ahead
(Shaft 2) Break it and navigate ahead
-Checkpoint UR exploit for the lulz.
-(Shaft 3) Break it
-(Puzzle) ...
-(Shaft 4) Break it and escape


-Get killed


-Light is still enough for them, but I went with heavy to vary up from Athena (while not just using throws)

Pegasus 1

-A single heavy is enough for "O".  Dash into Heavy also works (for a kill).  Just that it is far easier to just side-dash once.


-Heavies handle birbs

Mount Etna:Hand Cavern

-Save 'em for later.  Checkpoint UR (to do it) on the finger then race to the wall.

Mount Etna:Hand Cavern:Walls

-Can carefully pull them to the start, but it is a hassle just to land AS as such.  UR doesn't want to go over the edge.  IF you are in grab select during AS, even that case won't harm the altered.  Opted to race to the exit and barely managed to rush and lure strikes without throws (though I did gap cross kill two lads this time).  Checkpoint then aim for multi-alter on the few that follow (most get unexisted)

Mount Etna:Hand Cavern:Hallway A

-UR antics work just fine (via checkpoint).  AS from the boundary isn't as effective as I'd like owing to low ground.  It's okay.  It suffices to just rush and AS.  Get the bully to "O" for some HP returns (unless you just want to UR for the kill and use the chest).

Mount Etna:Mountainside A

-Cheese with UR isn't quite as capable as I'd like (would be for E DO).  Still okay.  Destroys scaffolding with direct use.  Checkpoint exploit applies.  Was even able to wreck rightside, go above, UR down at them (bully was tall enough to get hit by all of it), shimmy, go to the platform, drop to the one to the left and UR down below to finish the job.  AS strats are more obvious.  Hang by door, move in when the archer on the left is about to fire so he FF's his own platform, AS him as he falls, move to the next platform (right of it), FF, parry the bull, AS the lot of them (multi-alter preferred), etc.

Mount Etna:Fires of Olympus

-get Prometheus down (UR can go below, but later it obviously fails to count like WB *shame*)

Mount Etna:Mountainside B

-Pull them near enough to AS until dead.  Rush to the save for a checkpoint, then AS away.

-Pulled to the save, checkpoint then multi-alter

Mount Etna:Typhon's Cavern

-Altering blasts seemed like they might stop Stare, but that's about the only positive there.  UR spam during spawn can quickly kill the gorgons as we are here.  IF you UR in a spot that works (very iffy) near the blockage and restart from checkpoint without going into the cutscene, it can blow it for you.  Cutesy.  Get a checkpoint, then opted to blow away the sneks with options noted before bats got BTFO from the boundary using AS (UR can't beat the uphill jobbing allegations).

-Speedran across, UR'd the blockage then the game bugged (wouldn't let me mash).  Restart from checkpoint with UR (put some dirt in their eyes).  Made it a double.  Could also go to the balcony boundary to shame them.

-5 shots to the face of Typhon (since my SoD stuff won't land)

-2 shots on each archer after UR from the boundary (giving AS a break)

-Toss dudes into flame until the chests thaw, then AS spam from boundary

Mount Etna:Fires of Olympus

-Shoot down Prometheus after the scaffolding

-UR spam for dps after a checkpoint exploit (double bomb) works well.  Other than this blitzkrieg, aiming to multi-alter (for 2-3) is best.  Keep them clustered and they die.  Can be tough to get multis.  Sometimes it feels like pointing at the opp helps while waving left-right-left-right with (L) as if wagging the finger (or slapping/scanning them).  I invite you to get a feel for the technique and report your own findings.

-(rope) Pull them to the start with a bit of space so UR can work

Mount Etna:Mountainside A

-RotT the door (t3 or s4 are ideal, but UR spam is fine, too)

Mount Etna:Hand Cavern:Hallway B

-AS/UR (doesn't matter)

Mount Etna:Hand Cavern:Hallway A

-Checkpoint from save then multi-alter

Mount Etna:Hand Cavern:Wall

-Wanted to slip them while going back to the save.  First try, baby.  Multi-alter

Mount Etna:Hand Cavern

-Free Pegasus

Pegasus 2

-As before.  Heavies for birbs.

-(Dark Rider) ...

PATTERN: L, D, R, U, L (not sure why R is so iffy here)

Temple of Lahkesis:Cliff 2

-UR from above works just fine.  Can catch the spawn-in at tip-range with AS, as well.

Temple of Lahkesis:Hanging Garden

-UR from the entry high ground is obvious.  Less obvious was using all the other high ground for (UR).  The best was behind the EXP chests.  They had nothing for it and even AS worked good there.  Could work both to speed it up.

Temple of Lahkesis:Cerberus Courtyard

-UR dominates by going full Zim (hop to the entry platform). Bait them under, get up, drop bombs and repeat as needed.  Alternatively, UR near the block, restart for checkpoint exploit (for raffs), go back, lure them away and...a few options.  Get atop the block?  Not the greatest.  Better if pulled out just a bit (not enough to fall behind).  Easier to stand on it and UR down at them.  Mind the Cerberus (attacks can hit up there).  Another version is to pull it out with just enough space to get behind for UR (pretty sure I recall it going through).  Slightly more space (just shy of letting Cerb get through) for the same.  During these things, you could go in during "O" (preferably after all bombs go off) or just UR some more.  Same idea with the block can apply for AS (behind, not on it).  For giggles, tried to bug alter a hound so it had enough HP for OS DMG (kicking a exploding dog at a bigger one *sounds familiar*).

-(Ceiling) Checkpoint timing...I don't think it worked out for UR.  Can just AS as they spawn-in.  Or at the exit boundary.  Exit and entry boundary work well for UR.

-(Platform/Ledge/Chest Garden) Entry boundary for UR/AS (better than high ground for UR).  For fun, lured them all away then raced to the top of the bridge.  From there, found that UR/AR blasts would hit below, so I could bombard the ceiling clingers in this way.  Working the far left while punishing the spawns on this side (and not being shot by arrows).  Could have just used cover.  Get near the gap, move away with camera and back to see if the archers taunt.  Cross then UR/AS.  Go above, work rightside first and spam the usual specials.  Then the left (top to bottom abusing camera).  Alternatively place two bombs on the elevator, restart exploit and rush fast enough to blow them up before more AR/AS on archers

Temple of Lahkesis:Siren Sacrifice

-Can just UR spam pretty easily.  Can get an early hit in the first cutscene with a late bombing.  Pulling to the high ground works (perhaps easier by going up the chain a link or two for UR).  The chest is meh in this role.  AS does fine.  Nothing too notable.

Steeds of Time:Saddle 4:Exterior

NOTE: Horse order (behind; left to right) yellow, green, red (Saddle 3), blue (Saddle 4)


S1:P1/S1:P2 - AS is a good whiff punisher (bait and space).  However, while altered, better to work UR (which will knock him around after his moves).  You can punish his transition to S1P2 with AS.  Likewise, the transition to S2 (critical freebie).  A little harder to safely punish with deep UR on his pillars here.

S2:P1 -If you get AS at the start, use all your MP on WB (nevermind CR) into CWB, that finishes the fight.  If you hold back for just WB to the last, then you only need one more alter.  Obviously HJ to air PS works well enough.  Had one case where I accidentally managed to get an SEM up with Theseus.  Another where he got to "O" while I was doing the OS kill of a bull (interrupted me like his proximity pillars).  Another still with a bull alive during the "O" finish, just unexisting.  Doing this entirely without MP use (or PS) was rough.  Sadly, as you would expect, UR can't do a thing.  You would need IJ to get up to the boss to do anything there.  AS can't just magically impact him above.  Not...without doing waves.

S2:P2 - ...

M1 -So, there are some issues.  I tried working under his pillars (rather than the usual sweet spot) owing to wanting to try another position for this situation.  Slow shots home to you unless a bit closer to the center.  His raw triple homing gets under regardless (and pushes through air tricking).  As for bull related problems, safely landing AS on them during spawn-in then getting a SUPER launch (regrettably, it was expected in that it is NOT able to hit high enough with just a launch *and the ceiling of the archway can cuck you*) can be tough.  You NEED good RNG.  He needs to do nothing or a pillar pattern that won't force you to clear out as you launch, then double launch.  Not sure if I was able to get collisions with this method, but I at least did confirm he jobs to it (by beating him this way once).  Unlikely the second cooperates with you for this approach.  Probably want to just hope you manage to get a bugged alter (hitting the bull, but it registers on the boss *using multi-alter tech*).  Getting back to problems with sending one high enough, if he uses bolts these either hit you or knock it down.  If he rallies, it will drop the bull (for some reason).  Probably a dozen waves or so needed.  It wasn't a good time without MP.

Steeds of Time:Saddle 3:Interior:CR Trial

-(CR trial) UR early, AS as they spawn-in, etc.  Obvious stuff.

Steeds of Time:Bridle Puzzle

-Do it

Steeds of Time:Saddle 3:Exterior

-Red gets pulled to boundary for UR

-Yellow got x2 UR checkpoint exploit (no respect shown)

-You could use work the open, but that's not good strats (even with corners it is a little lacking). Working the key for a boundary is obvious, but we can do one better. If you go inside and above, you can UR from above. They wander aimlessly below. It sort of gets a dub in this way.

-The loner can't be UR'd from above unless carefully used from the lowest drop (not ideal). He prefers to wander away, too. Better to do things from the boundary (chain)

Temple of Lahkesis:Divine Pools

-AS was a little meh for them.  They like to float above it.  Could go up to the EXP chest above and UR down at them as a dunk, but the best was crossing the gap (as if to skip them) and working the camera while leaving remains for them to run into.  The loner can be AS'd just fine.  The next trio got camera abuse and careful UR application (though maybe I could have kicked the door in before AS there way *it is uphill, so no UR*)
-navigate to the Amulet
-do the puzzle and press on (head through the window)

Temple of Lahkesis:Amulet Chamber


Last edited by GodModeGOD on Fri May 24, 2024 2:11 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot two fights.)

2SoD testing with Kira Empty Re: SoD testing with Kira Fri May 24, 2024 7:27 pm


God of War
Expert on all things God of War

Temple of Lahkesis:Courtyard

-Fighting in the open with AotF is simple enough with UR/AS. Just go ahead and slow-mo then use the camera to stop burrows. From high ground? The usual background first alcove isn't as good here as for PS. I'd say top-right corner's bad camera works for us more than them. Between AS into the corner (getting down to pull AI closer *the hitbox going over heads can be an issue*) or UR back at them (with DJ to get back straight away without falling)? The latter was better. Still, the safest is the exit. No need for the relic. Just get there and spam either. The burrow isn't super effective if kept off-screen.

Destiny's Atrium

-Boar armor can be dangerous (use CC). Their HP is too high to die instantly and too low to be useful as frags (after alt.OH). Bad sweet spot for this scenario. If using UR, use either with a punish (on their gallop, not lunge) or well ahead (or on their taunt). If using, AS just make enough space to land (then CC). Treat it like Deadliest Slash (or use s1/t1 before/after *should they not have taken a blast from some other source*). Could just grab them all, but in the spirit of things try to take them out first (while the cyclops helps). They're not worth having around. Could work a corner (versus the open) and just turtle up (if not sending UR their way *background spots work best* or even AS *away from them*).

With just the tyrant, it is easy to lead it to off-camera, bait attacks or run-out charge (if not punishing even this with UR ahead of it *or AS with CC*) for the taunt opening. AS nor UR will interrupt it (just the explosions). As ever, you don't want bombs going off during grabs (his or yours). Not if you want them to get hurt. The central point where there is a stairwell later isn't great for UR (can fail there). No need for CQC. Still, if at "O", feel free to AS then OS DMG as there is time enough for the follow-up blast. Just seemingly not so for UR. You can get free hits for dps, but will miss out on the throw (so just spam the special).

With x2, open is still an option, but you might also consider chest or corners. The latter is as before. Letting them run at you while timing things out (as in my video) for a taunt to punish safely. I think AS pointed away hits even during sprint, just that I don't think it ever wants to apply altering if (L) is not pointing at a target (or you are facing them *as another way to look at it*). I could slash them over and over and get nothing without turning manually (which risks counter-attack unless busy taunting). The chest strat require careful set-up with one behind the other (not side-by-side) with the opp baited near the exit gate for fireballs (relevant later). I trick an attack from the near one, hop the chest to the other side and huge the wall-corner so it doesn't pathfind around. From there, spam AS/UR to your heart's content. If done right, it will just die. The other will need you to hop the chest and set this up, too.

Bog of the Forgotten

Barbarian King

S1 - Baiting charges to punish with AS/UR. Former is the better choice to punish easily. Getting just ahead of him to bait his forward attack and whiff punish with either? UR is better (AS requires more thought as you can attack away when he's already altered, but if you want to alter he must be faced).

S2 - Sensible choice is grabs/reverses. Being less than sensible, bait BK to attack (MotK), leap it, evade it, make it whiff, etc. Punish (AS was what I went with). UR became real unreliable for bombs real fast. No real clear indication what's going wrong. Sometimes not showing up, sometimes below the floor, etc. Still okay for deep dps, but that's about it. Could alter BK and turtle between them (aside from trying *as you probably should* for multi-alter).

S3 - Tip range AS can be worked not just for alter, but for Deadliest Slash antics (better with CC). If using UR, it would be great to leave bombs and make space, but it being bugged works heavily against this. As such, better to CQC. DPS from the front (always using CC) or from behind (often using CC).

S4 -Still need CC for most punishes. Can't rely much on explosions (either one).

-Arena still working against us. Easy enough to exploit the camera (AS).

Bog of the Forgotten:Path to the Bog

-Unexisting spot is wasted potential as this one doesn't preserve orbs, so you can't just use it for MP/RP/EXP gaming the boars. Real shame. Anyway, continue to mind well uphill spots from your location (as they will negate UR bombs). Camera change spot isn't the best for fighting. Maybe you could reach across the bog with AS. Didn't try. UR leaves bombs in the bog just below the surface (may have worked). I just worked the camera and pull them to the gap/crossing before the camera kept them behaved for AS/UR antics.

Bog of the Forgotten:Temple of Euryale

-Get Euryale's Key

-Here AS wasn't worth anything from high ground (even the lower step). It worked best in the open going for multis. Because their GB is 0DMG and the follow-up isn't good at jailing even with teams, just show no respect (go for it and evade away to do it some more). With UR, you can leave a crumbtrail minefield, but it is far easier to lead them to the steps, go to the top one and tip range drop bombs on them

-Skellies job to spamming AS/UR just as well as actual plans. Could work the the door. Could pull to the exit boundary. Across the bog (need to lead them close as with baiting an attack as they leash away from the edge). By the save boundary. Rightside snake ramp is high ground we can go up, yet they cannot. Easy to exploit for UR (less so AS). Likewise to the high ground platform on the temple just ahead and to the right.

Ruins of the Forgotten

-Altering doesn't last long enough for the dismount as a set-up. Could pull the BL off, run away and UR/AS as needed. Easier to keep throwing. If leaving him on, you can maintain a trick (or evade) for i-frames long enough to bait a taunt from outside attack range of the mounted cyclops. This as an opening to go wild with either. Don't think the explosions will interrupt in that case. Easy (with AS) to double kill them. Could alter one or the other, but never had luck getting both. UR frequently fails here with uneven surfaces, but certain directions faced from spots worked (downhill) are perfectly fine. Just really hard to visually tell. Need specialized knowledge to use this damn block special oftentimes. When the pair are gone, rush the summoner. Like the bulk of bouncing (light) foes, if you catch with UR you can spam it until they die. Otherwise AS strats.

Ruins of the Forgotten:Hallway

-Behind the chests or at the boundary, just use AS/UR. Nothing new here (mind the uneven surfaces for laying mines).

Ruins of the Forgotten:Pit

-UR from above works great. Only AS when trying to hit the flyers at your height level. Can go wild below with the grapple for cancels (just remember to switch sub back each time).

Ruins of the Forgotten:Bog Battle

-Let them drop, get them hopping mad and then go to town with your specials

-(Pillars) UR is more effective than AS for breaking objects generally. Get under them, do that, take one out, then the other. I get the checkpoint above before proceeding. You can UR from above (ledge or pillar). AS from behind the latter (if they fail to pathfind). Cross the gap and if baited near enough, land AS (UR goes into the bog, but doesn't seem to reach). Even saw that their melee too close to the gap as I cross leads to self-RO.

Ruins of the Forgotten:Forgotten Chamber

-UR reaches through and destroys the wall (through bars) best. AS does a better job hitting them (UR can't lay bombs, so this is how you can get explosions, too)

River of the Forgotten

-AS doesn't insta-kill (need a second swing) nor does alter go off fast enough to be super useful. UR is better for control and IF the bomb plants, it lets you progress much quicker

Titan Minotaur 1

-Really iffy from the love hand when trying to alter, but the idea is to do so during rage pounds (for funsies) then UR spam as much as I can before resetting with sleep spot. No need to bother with the "O" in this case

River of the Forgotten:Euryale's Guantlet

-Pull down the tree

-(Vine) Pull first two, UR below them, cross fast, grab guy in way, rush to end, drop, AS (can slash one of them below and somehow alter a guy on the rope you didn't touch *just a bizarre bunch of bugs with our primary focuses of the run*). UR doesn't work well on this floor and won't even detonate in time slow here. AS doesn't do well to destroy the obstacle ahead through the wall, but UR is great for that

-(Gears) Use Amulet and cross.

-(Conveyor) During timeslow, rushed to the end and back and let most kill themselves before AS clean-up (could have used UR in similar fashion) from leashpoint.

Ruins of the Forgotten

-Do the puzzle, navigate ahead

Cave of the Forgotten

-Talk to the corpse
-Could have UR'd from above, but just went with trick of GF to AS punish to whiff punishing with UR (with CC kept in mind if I something hot was incoming)
-Proceed with the corpse

Cave of the Forgotten:Coliseum

Cerberus Bastard

Stage 1 - Hit reaction to AS is such that you don't want to be close even when it would provoke a stagger on punish as you will need CC to make it safe from Flamethrower. Better to work whiff punishment (it reaches beyond fireball *and flamethrower*, but sometimes he'll arc it higher and you have to watch for that, too). If in close during quad-fireball, probably better to Deadliest Slash (x2) or just AS as the third is coming out (circle strafe). UR is the better dps choice here with all the usual grounded punishes (can't go aerial like PS). Usually works. The blast range can punish the fire attacks, but it is better to be in close for fireballs than afar, I'd say. Could bait charges and punish if not letting them time out into taunt (then go for it). Again, from tip range with AS, but close with UR. Explosion of AS works as well as UR as a whole for stagger (just not the direct attack *likes to provoke flames*).

Stage 2 - ...

Cave of the Forgotten

-Return to UR or get cute (probably starting with a GF trick) AS to false OS to Return (so it goes off on the statue). Pretty sure the blast of AS and UR are explosive types (should P% scale on statues, which would be good for us in this case). I forget. If not, it won't be enough for Queens. If so, it will do the trick just fine.

Bog of the Forgotten:Temple of Euryale

-Destroy the Gorgon Door

Euryale's Temple:Antechamber

-Easy to AS the statues apart (duo then trio). Leaves little to fight. Alternatively, let them out. AS from entry boundary. Or UR from high ground (over ladder).

Euryale's Temple:Underground Chamber

-Work camera and rightside for AS/UR after busting statues. High ground doesn't work great (our specials move us a bit too much).

Euryale's Temple:Elevator Puzzle

-UR/AS from on-high (remains works better here)

Euryale's Temple:Lowland Vista

-Can checkpoint exploit with UR here. Even just a launch timed well near the balcony invisible wall will send the Cap over. Can UR from above (up climbable wall). Not below (elevator shaft). Easy enough to alter then stall as with parry with its back to that place (to send it down)

Euryale's Temple:Temple Hazards

-Navigate through

Euryale's Chamber


Stage 1 - No point in playing nice. Set-up sweet spot. UR from that spot won't leave bombs, but dps is fine. AS works great.

Stage 2 - Usual pillar play baiting GB and punish from afar with AS (or in close for dps with UR). Altering might work for transition into S2 if close, but not so much elsewhere. Careful about explosions should you intend to be petrified, obviously.

Stage 3 - Sweet spot for UR/AS

Euryale's Chamber:EH Trial

-Petrify and crush 5 Sentries

Euryale's Temple:Pillar Puzzle

-(Center Pillar Battle) AotF keks UR in general if exposed to time-slow. Can still get decent dps. AS works as usual.

Euryale's Temple:Stone Crusher

-Start with UR, turtle up then AS to finish off the crowd. Can ranged AS and let them detonate or UR spam if timed well.

NOTE: Hades Harpies are a bother to catch slippin'. Forgot to bother with 360 toss since they annoy me. Also, the limit for UR at once is 2 (time slow makes that clear). I got them then SoD LJ's across the gap.

Euryale's Temple:Cavern

Titan Minotaur 2

-My attacks made my hurtbox not great for working the rage pound fully. For AS, it was better to work front-center. There is a shadow on the ground. You want to stay just within the dark. Tip range him as he wakes to alter. You can tip punish the rage pound's double fist opener, but it is tough not to get tagged by the singles (easy to punish right after the fourth single). Spin2win also has a fun shitbox (punish at end for safety). Shame bigger opps don't make bigger explosions (and origin point of blast is just some core within not where we strike). With AS strats, if birbs get caught with AS, great, if not, retreat to sleep spot and repeat process after clearing them (possibly go up rope high enough for them to gather, then leap their way for air OS takedown). Rock toss is a decent punish opening (after tricking it). With UR, you can work those hips, but you need to get in (and be really fast for x2 UR at the start). Trick singles on the right side (his LH) then punish the last one with UR. x2 is asking too much (without CC). Get out. Not good enough to whiff punish without perfect placement. Better to reset and do it again after clearing birdies. Does better than AS (still works) in terms of dps (once more, we don't need the OS kill).

Catacombs of the Fallen

-AS spam worked fine

Destiny's Atrium

-Break the door

3SoD testing with Kira Empty Re: SoD testing with Kira Sun May 26, 2024 8:48 pm


God of War
Expert on all things God of War

Island of Creation:Walkway

-AS/UR duo.  Quick roll to trio (ignore Cap).  AS/UR.  Cross to next duo (AS/UR).  Go back for Cap.  AS explosion can knockback if set-up right, but it is a lot of trouble to get.  He likes to block explosions.  Easier to just punish (with CC to make either safe) if not whiff punish on spacing his baited attacks (or working boundary).  Cross to duo with Cap.  Can't UR from above (too far).  Can bait a taunt from Cap then go in for AS/UR with CC for safety.  Clear the archers.  Then 1v1 Cap as before.

Courtyard of Atropos

-Ladder boundary isn't ideal.  Block drop boundary is much better.  Very safe.  Exit funnel is great with CC (if you happen to get a good opening where you land a clean shot, you can avoid using CC and actually blow things up).  Best case scenario (ignoring using the savepoint to make a checkpoint with them gathered up for x2 UR to start things off)?  Get all three together and UR spam to juggle them to death.  Leftover in 1v1 isn't trouble.  Could maybe try to set-up AS for RO by the ladder, but that's way too much work.  Would sooner recommend just hopping in a circle around his attacks to flank then starting UR lock, really.  Don't want them to burrow during explosions.  Could have done them later with the block for high ground, but I doubt it works well (owing to UR's animation moving us a bit too much).

Halls of Atropos (lower)

-(Priests/Minotaur Grunts)  AS as a whiff punish on bulls and spacing tool on priests works well enough.  UR, as well.  Former just walks into them.  Won't want warps during explosions.  Working pillars ahead of crank is unnecessary as with the platform boundary, really.  Going on-high for UR from above?  Also excessive.

-Did this after goats (for checkpoint).  Triggered extra FG by chests, then could go to either boundary, but it made more sense to work the ladder case to me (than the goat arena one).  AS works great either way.  UR just needs to not be done uphill is all.

-(2 Satyrs) Baiting taunts to punish with AS isn't hard.  Could even whiff punish or recovery punish with UR (let them run into it).  If extra filthy, HJ to the high groun to UR down (just DJ after each to get back to the platform before falling).

Hall of Atropos (upper)

-(Exterior) UR can work from alcoves and better from the narrow with the camera, but I would sooner recommend AS from the alcoves (not so much behind the statue we can move and hide behind).

-(Interior) Entry boundary or background-right.  Both work well for UR/AS.  High ground for UR (even save for amassing them and planting x2 UR in a restart situation).  With just the HJ, UR spam for dps.


-(Root 1) Seems you can hug the corner and they can't pathfind so you can easily AS through that.  Slowing works well for AS spam.  Their i-frames during the dizzy is a real joykill.  Likewise, timeslow only allowing UR explosions if you activate the amulet just before the bomb was going to go off (so it doesn't become a dud).  Can still hammer them with direct assaults just fine.  Hard to recommend.  At "O" in slowmo, one is tempted to just throw.

-(Root 2) Pulling to the central point can isolate the birbs, but safely fighting them this way?  You can drop to the EXP chest, hop atop it and air OS them (lure as needed by going above then dropping down again).  Risky business (can even self-RO if the air OS is too near the edge).  Rather than UR, just AS spam in time-slow for circle then X toss both.  Time slow and try to punish birbs (hoping they don't waste your time too much).

-(Root 3) ...

Bathouse of Atropos


Stage 1 - He almost always folds out of charge if hit with AS/UR's direct blows.  You will not alter him at all until the S1 transition (which won't last long enough to punish S2).  Easy to keep space and spam either special if not turtle and punish.

Stage 2 - Turtle/space and punish.  If he goes for flash, rush to where he'll go and UR spam (or AS him).

Stage 3 - Same Flash punish.  Could let him land it while you're near a wall, escape (putting his back to the wall) then use specials to send him into it (CC as needed to recover and attack again rapidly).

Stage 4 - Better to finish S3 far away to have more time to beat him to the wall then time to have x2 bombs waiting on him (I suppose you could AS him now as he shouldn't dodge it, either *forgot to test, but it needs to explode after he gets in position or it won't count for sure*).  Easy to get him to "O" before he can do anything.  As usual, this weapons trashes him.

Courtyard of Atropos

-Do the puzzle and press on.

Lowlands:Exterior Hallway

-Cross with IL to calm AI, then AS/UR to kill both

Lowlands:SoD Trial

-Slow and AS/UR them to death (UR is slightly more effective even without bombs)


-Get across


-Cross it


-(Fight 1) A good opening means a lot (body block).  If siren uses bolt, Return (or trick, I suppose).  If geyser, just attack.  UR/AS spam works pretty well.  Not much thought needed.

-(Fight 2) Could space and AS/UR the goat (when alone, OS into them).  With the others, keep away from the goat and tickle from afar with AS or catch them directly with UR (breakpoint).  Easy enough to bulldoze.

Great Chasm




-Savepoint for checkpoint.  Make them chase me.  Get well ahead and plant UR to catch them.  When downed.  UR to kill.  Next group was either bombing (hoping UR planted) or defensive while watching for chances to punish (UR/AS *if not ground OS*).  Not ideal.

Atlas Innards:Spine Chamber

-Can pull the group away, go for the spine (UR/AS), get a pull in, retreat to the other side, lure again, pull it out enough to get atop/behind.  If behind, you can spam either special.  If above, AS can barely clip at times.  UR does much better.  Be careful about bomber (it can sometimes hit up there).  If you HJ to the hidden EXP chests, you can UR from above with impunity.

Atlas Innards:Battle Arena

Titan Minotaur 3

Stage 1 - S1 skip

Stage 2 - S2 control

Stage 3 - S3 control with UR/AS until dead.

Atlas Innards:Puzzle Room

-Navigate ahead

Atlas Innards:Hades Nymph Hive Chamber

-Surprisingly, you CAN alter the hives.  Unexpected.  Still, AS struggles with the high/tough one without the bugged altering application (needs an opp).  Better to spam UR here.  Work the camera, make them chase you (into bombs *or slashes*), etc.

Atlas Innards:Climbing Section

-Tried the first entry luring this time.  UR spammed to blow them up as the first tried to come up and the others were below (like the broken bridge incident before Theseus).

Atlas Innards:Puzzle Room

-Use the Thermal Draft to exit

Atlas:Hanging Platforms

-(Atlas Lift) UR/AS from outside punish range and keeping away works well.  UR does better here (less cooldown and start-up (the range isn't as useful).  Shame UR doesn't upgrade to have better reach and a good vertical hitbox (while placing more and/or better bombs *holding the input maybe to choose fuse length, too*).

Atlas' Arm:Wall A

-Pulled to start to AS (if drawn all the way down) or UR just away from the wall enough to plant a bomb below them

Atlas' Arm:Rock Puzzle

-Skip it

Atlas' Arm:Wall B

-Navigate it

Atlas' Arm:Hand

-Break the Chain (UR/AS spam in close as explosions didn't seem to work), resist Atlas' grip

-(AQ trial) UR/AS spam from afar.  Mind when on low ground if leaving remains

The Great Chasm

-Navigate ahead

Palace of the Fates:Palace Courtyard A

-(Entrance) Didn't seem like I had time or reach enough for either alone.  Both work fine to punish the nearer one, then roll to the other for ground OS (not stopping him means the tactic becomes keeping away to clear BL spawns with taunting to control the mounted or going hard during taunts to kill it *AS is better in this regard when going for a double though dps is higher with UR*).  Go to the end of the bridge (rather than the open) and begin UR/AS, evade when hit with charge, UR/AS and repeat until all BL are dead.  Go after Fiend (either works fine).

Palace of the Fates:Spiked Floor Chamber

-(Spike Room) FLIGHT until near the end.  Was at the exit door spamming UR as they caught up.  As likely won't do well in this regard.

-Get the Crank

Palace of the Fates:Palace Courtyard B


East Auditorium:Hallway A


East Auditorium:Hallway B

-Saved until after W2 (before W3).  Did things out of order to have the way out open, so I didn't just AS/UR spam from afar.  Instead, through the gate.  Sadly, my attempts to get cute failed beyond this.  I wanted to go over the checkpoint, but with the PS3 third-party triggers and the double-sided walls pushing (either in or out), I couldn't manage to land deep enough in the hall to see if I could kill the enemies, open the way ahead and THEN trigger the checkpoint.  You CANNOT go back to the save if doing things this way (if you want to work the good checkpoint).  It closes the gate (forcing the long way).  I did hit the visual cue on the other side of the lifted door and opened the exit door back into Hallway A (which opens the entry door into B).  That's something.

-Get the block

Auditorium of Lahkesis

-(Wave 1) Went with v2.  Got closer to the W3 boundary and let them wander into UR/AS.

-(Wave 2) Same here.  For final goat, I did end up going for AS into super launch (tougher to time than expected for RO).

NOTE: To clarify, IF you HJ over the exit (to A) door you won't have an 'open' path to B and can save without losing the easy way to open that path up again. To open the door up, you need only open the exit normally. When ready, HJ over the exit into the hall, then open from the intended side. This will let you bypass lack of access to the lever (with checkpoint exploit). You can then have a checkpoint before the first little grouping. If you do things out of order, you can at least have the visual cue, W1 and W2 done with the TRAN KNEE in the desired spot (before W3). Just need to fight the small group and open the door each time (rather than use HJ antics each time you fail W3).

-(Wave 3) Went more smoothly than expected, but as planned. Early drop into jump to glide to get near the HPotF. Catch him with AS as he tries to summon (just before it comes out). This will stop it. Then go top-left with UR spam (on a dog) and the other (some AS for range). RotT is there if things get hairy (didn't need it) and even (Revenge *did use it*). Spells are an option, but also not necessary. I kept a good handle on their spacing, armor, invincibility, etc. to AS and UR them all to death. Then I cleared out the summons and priest. With x2, I went for AS to interrupt both, but only got one. Then spammed UR on the one I got as the other warped away. I quickly killed one then used AS into UR spam to clear the other (minding his geyser attempt).

-Crush his Head, get the key, open the door and head through Hallway C and Hallway A to Palace Courtyard B then use the key on the Ram Door.

West Auditorium:Spiked Wall Hallway

-Get as far away from the trigger as you can. You can start with x2 AS and side-switch as needed to alter groups, fly over and catch the lot of them, but it is hard to really describe a method (rather than show). Mostly side-switching. Same applies to UR (sometimes doesn't work *still easier even without alternating sides getting blown up*). I opted out of even Revenge to make this harder (same for grabs).

West Auditorium:Garden of the Gods

-Hear yourself, break wall, navigate ledge leading ahead

West Auditorium:Sacrificial Chamber

-AS was a meme. The knockback (when you can get it) was bugging out in the fire (not insta-kill). Only had one fail for UR. With the former, just beat them to "O" and pull. x2 (with waiting) can do the trick. UR was better for sure. False OS at the start and she'll come to the place you want. Hop and glide over her attack then punish with UR to bounce. The bomb (provided you don't get unlucky with it failing) will keep her there long enough to pull the lever. Repeat for other two sirens.

West Auditorium:Blood Tunnel Chamber

-Navigate it.

West Auditorium:Iced Phoenix Puzzle

-Do the puzzle and proceed (UR/AS the bulls from the boundary)

West Auditorium:Nymph Nest Chamber

-UR was much better for the bottom one (didn't feel like altering even worked). Boundary wasn't super helpful. Dropping bombs worked, but to no real end. Top-right could be VERY slowly chipped if you backleap to glide to air lights. Drop (R1) from the ceiling into air attacks wouldn't work (takes too long to switch from BoA to SoD). Even drop to air OS to SoD air lights didn't work (nor the collisions). I pulled out my trump card (CR). No real choice here.

West Auditorium:Pantheon of Atropos

-UR was pretty good at making the Seeds behave (bouncing them). Good dps for Breeders. Not bad for FJ, but you need to CC when working CQC (versus leaving bombs ahead of them). Unless they stagger. Then you can keep on if you like. AS was significantly harder to focus on (without resorting to Revenge, Return and OS/air OS *opted out of alt.OH in the end*). Seeds had to be removed as a focus (RNG could have them REALLY spam, which was super frustrating). Takes x2 AS to do this. AS can't be counted on to stuff them. Just good for neutral. If you don't see a hit stagger, CC. If you tease out the long grounded dive, the recovery on that is huge (easily punished *just that the armor is strong*). The Blanka Ball is also bad with recovery. Not so much the leap (recovers quick). Keeping away to get them sounds nice, but isn't always going to be how it is. Sometimes they camp with the others. Got to get in, AS and CC for safety. Don't want maturing. Owing to the situation, I don't want x2 CB at all for the FJ. As such, kill CB1 or CB2, then CB3 and then the lone remained for CB4 on its own. Upon doing this (lots of AS at tip range to punish birthing with body blocking), finish off CB4 before kiting the FJ for whiff punishment.

West Auditorium:Fate Statue Puzzle

-Do it

Auditorium of Atropos

-Save the Translator then crush him

-Get Warrior Skull, open door

West Auditorium:Thermal Lift Puzzle

-Do it

Palace of the Fates:Courtyard B

-The usual with the gap is there (and AS explosion can provoke it). UR can cheese from up the ladder. There are a lot of corners to consider here, but if going to the far left by the lever pulled against Kraken later, top-left is a corner that running into (up-left) does well (not absolutely, but near it). Can spam AS up-left and tickle the nearest one to death. If it taunts, turn to land the full version (with altering).

Last edited by GodModeGOD on Mon May 27, 2024 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Had a bit more in me.)

4SoD testing with Kira Empty Re: SoD testing with Kira Mon May 27, 2024 5:27 pm


God of War
Expert on all things God of War

The Underground:Bone Crusher

-(Spiked Ceiling Elevator) Because of P%, may as well x2 AS to keep things simple.  UR when the ceiling is close and their HP is full can work the hazard.  In a bad roll, it goes to "O" (then OS kill or waste time *possibly using fast attacks to DMG kill*).  x2 UR works, too.

The Underground:Lava Chamber A:Hallway A

-UR below their rope location or AS as they drop

The Underground:Lava Chamber A:Hallway B

-Can rush down the archers with UR to clear the center (to have opps in view) before Return of GF into more UR to break.  AS has an easier time clearing the archers, but isn't good for breaking the Assassins (even with CC)

NOTE: After the vertical gap jump, you can backleap to the ceiling above to save a second.

The Underground:Lava Chamber A:Hallway C

-Drop from above when the lads are almost upon you.  Get behind the archer in the right, AS to kill him and alter others.  I light tossed them across the gap at the breakable wall (UR from above wouldn't harm it for some reason).  Keep at this.  AS/UR away the remainder on the other side.

The Underground:Lava Chamber B

-Navigate ahead

Phoenix Chamber:Platform A

-Navigate ahead.

Phoenix Chamber:Platform B

-x2 AS works well enough for the skellies.

Phoenix Chamber:Boreas Puzzle

-Then go after the Cap (checkpoint).  Exploit checkpoint for x2 UR on his location before whichever punishment choice you make (again, too difficult to really go with AS explosion for RO).  Could pull the lever, lead him over it and let bombs at least make him block them (as he enjoys doing).  Then the spikes take him out.  UR after nearly timing out as to break the wall leaving only enough room for you to get out.

Phoenix Chamber:Hallway

-Navigate ahead

Phoenix Chamber:Flame Wall Chamber

-UR does NOT work on the lower ground IN the room.  In the hall?  Sure.  On the high ground (and only upon itself, not below)?  Yep.  You can still use it, but it won't be all it should be.  Usual handling at the boundary (UR/AS).

Phoenix Chamber:Platform B

-Use save.  Can't cheese from afar.  Just space and UR/AS away, really.  If you get in, go wild with UR (especially on-spawn for HM).  Real shame multi-alter remains unreliable.

-Pull the lever

Phoenix Chamber:Circular Stairwell

-Could work bottom boundary, higher platform or right of the latter to cheese.  UR won't work uphill.  Can bomb from above.  AS won't reach low enough if on the lift.

Phoenix Chamber:Exit Chamber

-Pull the lever

Palace of the Fates:Palace Courtyard B

-Use Boreas

Palace of the Fates:Interior A


Palace of the Fates:Interior B

-Blow Horn, navigate to door, open it

Palace of the Fates:Upper Palace A:Elevator Puzzle

-I could get the first chain with SoD with backleap strats, but the back one wasn't an option without IJ antics.  Just asking too much.  As for the Fiends, the only notable play would be to prep the lift ahead of time to jam such that the Fiends are out.  Doing this, you can get inside while they are below and UR at them.  When they die, get down, lure out respawns and repeat.

Palace of the Fates:Upper Palace B

-Use the levers

Palace of the Fates:Upper Palace B:Palace Window

Last Spartan

-As you would expect, bait his 2-strings and punish from whiff range (UR/AS)

Palace of the Fates:Palace Courtyard B


-Didn't have a reason to early move the corpse

Stage 1 - UR strats were straight-forward.  Work semi-sweet spot (stabs or spit means get in and go hard while slaps means get away).  The place for AS from last time was the far-right (opposite side of the usual TB sweet spot).  It is NOT safe (RNG) to punish during stabs (and they can bullshit you by coming out via bug during the slaps).  Spit pushing you makes it unlikely to get in.  Slap is what you want. There are three.  The second the first lands, you can SJ into glide ahead (just right and a bit ahead of the sore).  AS and hold up-left.  If it doesn't take (visible purple effect bursting off forehead), do it again (time enough).  Think it was four or so with our output.  Later, I found a better approach.  Far safer and more reliable.  The idea was to be on the central floor covering (where Last Spartan is left).  Get on the edge o the 3 o'clock position.  He won't stab here.  If he breaths (he's a thot), get near and to the right (so breath won't push you).  AS at the right sore while holding (L) to the left.  This while apply altering to the head.  If it does the tentacle slam, move right (enough so it whiffs) then get within range to AS (holding left on the movement analog again).

NOTE: Regarding UR, the headsore got glide into air lights.

Knob 1 - Nothing I tried made altering work here (or Knob 2).  Could have used HJ into CR since I didn't need MP for anything else.  Just went ahead and did it normal.

Stage 2 - ...

Knob 2 - ...

Stage 3 - Bait an attack to one side, switch sides and punish with UR/AS.  Nothing much to it.

-Cross the Bridge

Palace of the Fates:Phoenix Platform

-Tame the beast and ride

Spire:Temple of the Fates

-Do the puzzle

Temple of the Fates:Throne of Lahkesis


S1:P1 - AotF into UR/AS punish.  It felt like UR was often working in timeslow here.  However, the explosion was often 'dodged' into other attacks (giving up control).  Neither was particularly good.   UR had the option of a x2 surprise on restart.

S1:P2 -  AS punishes the divebombs well enough.

Stage 2 - AotF kept here low to the ground and I actually saw her barely off the ground at "O" for the first time (SJ to air OS).  Neat.

Athens:Sword Bridge


-x2 UR start option into AS.  Not sure how well it works, mind you.  UR often doesn't work owing to the weird surface.  Works often enough to be our dps tool.  No real surprises here (can multi-alter and hope everyone blows up on her, but don't get your hopes up)

Temple of the Fates:Throne of Lahkesis

Sisters of Fate

S1:P1 - AotF to down and control.  Shoe away Atropos until ready for her.  Usual punishes.

Mirror 1 - AS can works, but often won't.  UR is a better focus.  Lahkesis can break it if a bomb doesn't plant with good timing.

S1:P2 - ...

Mirror 2 - ...

Stage 2 - Punish with UR/AS.  Pretty obvious.

-Crush the Mirror

Inner Sanctum:Hallway A

-Navigate ahead

Inner Sanctum:Circular Chamber

-Navigate ahead

Inner Sanctum:Hallway B

-Break through the wall

Inner Sanctum:Endurance Run

Wave 1 - UR in general will NOT work downhill.  W7 is the only time you have flat ground in two-thirds of its 'arena' allowing you to more freely work it.  Left?  No good.  Right?  Good.  See?  UR works through barriers.  Just mind the range (though deceptive *in a good way for the melee, bad away for the blast*) isn't so hot you can't get tagged through them by opps.  UR dps is obvious when you get FJ on the backfoot alone.  Otherwise, land them (if unsafe, CC).  Barrier abuse should be the strat.  If CL go for their melee, make it whiff and punish.  AS is also barrier abuse focus.  Start is a good chance multi.  AS downhill shouldn't go overheads, which is good.

Wave 2 - UR bombs where they spawn is good.  Probably better to go for just one then let up.  Turtle, let the blast go off and reassess.  With enough room/time, UR again.  Switch sides as needed, but you need to favor uphill if you want the IED, yeah?  Don't forget this.  With AS, it is just he usual range spam.  If too close at a bad time, treat it like Deadliest Slash (CC that shit to make it safe).

Wave 3 - AS remains terrible for breaking tougher statues.  Queens get out FAST.  You would need to alter, delay and then return (GS/GB) for the free GR as with baiting Stare, AS, trick (multiple times) then work GF to end her life.  Another set-up being AS, delay, false OS and get her stoned.  For AS, it is easier to just use the sneks to help you break the others.  Even then, you need to Deadliest Slash (with CC *x2*) to safely and quickly break the statues.  UR has an easier time (direct hit with it will break even the GQ), but you must mind your position.  Barrier is there if you want to bomb with either special, of course.

Wave 4 - Can try for an early hit with either, but probably not safe (CC).  Easy to pull below, then escape to the top and bomb downward.  After that, turtle, let the explosion make an opening and repeat.

Wave 5 - Lots of barrier abuse and whiff punishment (space them like crazy playing footsies *just shy of zoning bros*).  Be it UR or AS.  Really important to make smart use of the environment (for UR, it is integral you pull them below and get on the otherside of a higher segment).

Wave 6 - Like W2.

Wave 7 - Have to be really careful with either.  Usual strats on hill, but on flat ground UR is more free (making it work working).  Still about the barriers.  If not tossing guys, just kill them off.  Wide open spaces are great, just don't get stuck on chests or the hands of the exit door (annoying).


Loom Chamber:Floor 1

-Our P% is too high to really do much testing.  UR one-shots.  AS, too.  The explosion of AS will not rebounce.  UR, however, will.  No shot with IA below the corpses here.  You CAN do IJ into air SoD lights, but don't do this to yourself.  Just use CR.

Loom Chamber:Floor 2

-Skipped fosho.

Loom Chamber:Floor 3

-UR/AS strats are obvious (time slow, bait an attack, go ham on other side and then the other).  Didn't bother trying to double down.  IJ into air SoD lights worked for the corpses, but then I had IA (and CR).  I got to test my theory from the previous run.  You CAN do this in PAIN+ and you DO NOT need to take DMG.  To amend my strategy from before, I need to start with a note.  His sweep can hit off the ground a bit, but not the floor strikes.  It can go through without hitting (just SJ through/over/around).  Good to know.  While PACIFIST would have to take DMG for its values (AKheon, plz), Zim would not need to.  So the only change from last time is during the turning of the anchor.  To NOT take damage here, I only needed to break her righthand (left from our perspective) and just turn right away.  She takes too long to get her act together.  She'll recover with her opposite end having the ground strike.  Just hop it and move right until she recovers (she'll bop it against the climbable wall once before going back to her normal moveset).  The rest is as described before (baiting her LH *our right* slam as near to the interactible as we can be and rushing to do the thing as soon as it is possible).

Loom Chamber:Floor 3:Hallway


Loom Chamber:Floor 4

-Navigate, pull lever and get to threads

Loom Chamber:Floor 3:Strands of Time

-Operate correct strands, get to Mirror and leap through

Summit of Sacrifice


Stage 1 - it seems like it is ONLY t3.  It does NOT need RotT.  It ONLY happens with his LH (rightside).  It is very particular about your position when hitting him.  It does NOT always seem to force the hand to punch the center.  I'm really not sure he will ever do the floor charge (summon) outside the bugged case where he repeats it on loop if you make him recoil like this (before he can use the breath move to push us back).  Because it was frustrating to test otherwise, I worked with infinite MP to find that you can, in fact, do this without Siren Widows.  Just that it requires SoD at bare minimum (and I really don't see it as likely you can keep sirens away while you get t3 at the exact right/time and place only to capitalize perfectly each time on the central punch IF it comes out).  Still, I was able to see him get to "O" without using any sirens for the first time.

As learned in the previous run, it is not practical to chip away at Zeus from afar.  Bolt returns can make him drops orbs, but I have NEVER seen him do the central punch in response to it.  Altering him with the bug doesn't matter (only theoretically possible to get him in some time with the central punch *more practical to get it off an exploding siren).  AS does okay in straight use to just beat up sirens (preferably with one after the other going to "O" *more doable without explosions*).  UR is just the better choice from what I was seeing.  Bombs aren't pushed by his breath.  Still pretty iffy on the W's on t3 working (and the extents it works when it does so).  Pretty easy to start with, but to do the whole time seems far from practical to ask for even NG+ NGR or some SoD only situation (like this).  Feel free to grab and all that.

Stage 2 - You can start with x2 UR.  Return bolts then trick, hop, evade, etc.  Dice roll to punish with UR/AS if he chooses to instantly do bolts.  You do NOT have CC, so you will get tagged.  You can freely punish 3-string from afar, trick or delay Revenge the first punch (into UR/AS).  The shockwave is better to circle from the air into UR/AS punish.

Stage 3 - SoD out.  Not much to say.  Keep medium range while circles as to bait his attacks, make them whiff and quickly land UR/AS.

Stage 4 - ...

Stage 5 - See S3 (as for his shield, just activate RotT while baiting an attack to punish then turn it off upon busting him open).

NOTE: Didn't seem like any transitions were open to punishment in the end.

-Do the CS mini-game

The Loom Chamber


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