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God of War : Ghost of Sparta

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1God of War : Ghost of Sparta Empty God of War : Ghost of Sparta Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:11 am


God of War
Expert on all things God of War

>no topic found
Lol (LMAO). Anyway, let's start with some testing, shall we? Eventually actual runs will follow (NBR+ NUR+ redux, NGR+ NUR+ redux, Greed, etc.). Maybe a redo on PAIN+? Probably not. Not sure how necessary it really would be for a redux (a meme like Deimos PAIN+ might get coverage sooner). But AoS MAX coverage? Could be. Even E with some magic favoring costumes (this as a peak into a what-if with SAINT Mod blessing this entry, too). Gravedigger testing, too (for the day he is a real choice). Personally, I'd be VERY happy if magic input was assigned for him to a particular input as to blow all our HP down to 1 (so not usable at 1) and all MP (so you need 100MP, plus 2+HP to use the blast). 0HP kills Zeus. That's how I'd want things. Good luck realizing that.

Anyway, let's start with cancel rules. Movement, Block, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell (not going to bother with hit let alone type *already know hyper armor exists on some thing playing at i-frames with even those armored cases jobbing fully to stronger hit properties*). Let's go:


s1 - Movement*, Block, Grab, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
s2 - Movement*, Block, Grab, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
s3 - Movement*, Block, Grab, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
s4 - Movement*, Block, Grab, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
s5 - Movement*, Block, Grab, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
s6 - Movement*, Block, Jump, Evade, Swap* and Spell
S - Movement*, Block*, Grab*, Jump, Evade* and Spell
T - Movement*, Block*, Grab*, Jump*, Evade*, Swap and Spell
t0 - Movement*, Block***, Grab*, Jump***, Evade***, Swap*** and Spell
t1 - Movement*, Block, Grab*, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
t2 - Movement*, Block, Grab, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
t3 - Movement*, Block*, Grab*, Jump*, Evade*, Swap* and Spell
air s1 - Block, Grab*, Jump, Evade**, Swap and Spell
air s2 - Block, Grab*, Jump, Grab*, Evade**, Swap and Spell
air s3 - Block, Grab*, Jump, Evade**, Swap and Spell
air t1 - Block, Grab*, Jump, Evade**, Swap and Spell
Run/Evade S - Block*, Jump, Evade*, Swap* and Spell
Run/Evade T - Block*, Grab* and Evade*
L+s - ...
air L+s - ...
L+t - ...
air L+t - ...
L+o - ...
air L+o - ...
Counter - ...

OS - Movement*, Jump and Spell
Return - Swap and Spell

*Cancels at the end skipping variable recovery
**True cancel sans the actual thing canceling it
***Cancels in start-up and recovery, but not midway into the attack (locked in)

NOTE: If you have not used or otherwise disabled DJ (Icarus Lift), you can input a jump just before touching the ground to jump again (without on-landing *no vibration from the controller*) and if timed do this infinitely to never touch ground. Not sure where this would ever be useful really (unless we can hop along a kill floor *doubt it*). Air block is not a thing that stops access to IL, it seems. Pursue cancels at end with evade. Air OS also does not trip IL, so you can technically SJ to air OS to block cancel to SJ before OL and loop if timed well. To make OS safer, one would want to at least movement cancel the ending if not JC into air block to evade (without spending meter). Plenty to extrapolate from these results, gents. HC? Unsafe as FUCK. I should probably try to remember to test false OS cancels (and hit stun recovery canceling).


s1 - Movement*, Spear, Block, Grab, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
s2 - Movement*, Spear, Block, Grab, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
s3 - Movement*, Spear*, Block*, Grab*, Jump*, Evade*, Swap and Spell
t0a - Movement*, Spear, Block, Grab, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
t0b - Movement*, Spear*, Block*, Grab*, Jump*, Evade*, Swap and Spell
t1 - Movement*, Spear*, Block*, Jump*, Evade*, Swap and Spell
air s1 - Movement*, Spear, Block, Grab*, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
air s2 - Movement*, Spear, Block, Grab*, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
air t1 - Movement*, Spear, Block, Grab*, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
Run/Evade S - Movement*, Spear*, Block*, Jump*, Evade* and Spell
Run/Evade T - see: t1
Run/Evade O - Movement*, Spear*, Block*, Jump*, Evade* and Spell
L+s - Movement*, Spear*, Block*, Grab*, Jump*, Evade*, Swap and Spell
air L+s - Spell
L+t - Spell*****
L+T - Spell*****
air L+t - Spell*****
L+o - see: Run/Evade OM
air L+o - ...
R+s - Movement*, Spear*and Block*
R+S - Spear*, Block* and Evade*
air R+s - Movement*, Spear, Block, Grab, Jump, Evade, Swap and Spell
R+t - ...
R+T - Spear*, Block* and Evade*
air R+t - ...
Counter - Spell

R (spear ready stance) - Block**** (Evade by technicality)
Moving Block - Spear, Evade and Swap
****Block into Spear triggers the evade (cancel).
*****Cancels only near start

Return - Grab, Jump, Swap and Spell

NOTE: Can only get t1 after lights with held input (T). With movement cancel and timing, you can chain t1 faster than any launcher I can recall in GoW proper. No use comes to mind, but just something to know for now. Air t1 and seemingly both air R+s and air R+t (latter has long recovery, so probably not so much doable) appear to allow the weird hops along air above the ground. If you're the Excellence of Execution (not me, brotha), forward movement into hop reps just off the ground for air L1+s seems possible. Perhaps MrTAS is up to the challenge for the /cgg/ers among us? *kek* Spear ready stance halves fall speed. R+S and R+T have hyper armor against blockables (possibly guard breaks). Not true i-frames like the Counters (not sure if they job to Piraeus Lion roar like HoB). Tracking rules (redirecting attacks) is its own topic for another session. To a lesser extent, cue rules for having R+S and R+T set to go the moment you go into ready stance. S or T during R+s or R+t (no R) still counts as in ready stance (releasing the face button will be R+S or R+T). Spell cancel of AoS counter into EoA is the sort of thing that can psuedo-juggle a wraith without setting off burrow. Because AoS Return allows Jump Cancel, you can instantly hop after the parry straight into air attacks (as with air R+s *can sort of go into charge moves*). Though R+s can juggle the air state isn't valid for air OS let alone OH. Hope this helps some of you kids better use these tools safely and more effectively (even if misusing it for COMBO MAD faggotry).

2God of War : Ghost of Sparta Empty Re: God of War : Ghost of Sparta Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:22 am


God of War
Expert on all things God of War

Gravedigger (Zeus)

NOTE: At 0HP, you return to 200HP and nuke the screen for instant kills.  Taunts assigned to d-pad.  Cannot grab.  Does not need to use grabs to finish off any foe.  Cannot be grabbed or petrified/frozen.  Cannot block.  Basically untouchable with evade spam as it cancels into itself without much if any gap (enough to swim in lingering attacks).

s1 - Movement*, Jump, Evade and DR
s2 - Movement*, Jump, Evade and DR
s3 - Movement*, Jump, Evade and DR
s4 - Movement*, Jump, Evade and DR
s5 - Movement*, Jump, Evade and DR
t1 - Movement*, Jump, Evade* and DR
o1 - Movement*, Jump, Evade and DR
O - Movement*, Jump, Evade, Taunt and DR
air s1 - Evade and DR
air s2 - Evade and DR
air t1 - Movement* and Jump
air o1 - Evade and DR
R (DR) - ...
air R  - ...

DR acts like a long range projectile version of EoA's ender, so it will somewhat keep a foe behaved (stopping burrow of wraiths).  Taunts can be done whenever.  Up is "Feel the power of Olympus".  Right is "Die, mortal".  Down is "Insolent Fool".  Left is "I will crush you".  Up and Down have two versions.  One of the down versions starts a little high-pitched.  Depending on your timing with jump cancel you can fake-out dive bombs better than GoWII Hades Harpies or spam them better than they can dream.  The launcher having such strong canceling with the jump and DR amuses me.  Doesn't seem like s5, t1 or o1 like going into each other.  When a wraith tries to grab, they bounce off into standing.  The t1 has a pursue (T) without i-frames.  The insta-kill just deals some amount of DMG to Geryon (not an insta-kill) yet it works on the higher HP Piraeus Lion.

Lot of cheese potential to eventually go over with the cheap hit property spam for lockdown using ZOOSE (got the ZUICE).  Papa Sparks can go hard.  The 'arc' of DR does seem to be real though not with hit count.  Thing closes enough catch some damage, too.  Automaton didn't die instantly to AoE.  Armor was unharmed by BoO.  DR and the rest work.  Possibly the case that o1 acts like a core (bypass HP).  Rabid Hounds won't attack Zeus (they only have a grab).  The AoE takes 4 doses to kill a Cyclops.  They have 250HP.  I wonder if they went with a meme number like 66.6* or some such, but then I recall it insta-kills Piraeus Lion at (500HP).  Going to have to leave it to datamine (might get threshold kek'd by stagger breaks or something).  Somehow Tyrant is one-shot (300HP and multiple layers of armor).  Sure.

Gorgon wouldn't even attempt to grab Zeus.  Kept spamming petrification (instant-escape).  Rarely used slaps.  Insta-kill by AoE as often the case.  Harpy just won't try to throw.  Queen ice works the same as petrification.  AoE insta-kills guards through their shields.  Dredge was iffy on insta-death.  At full?  Sure.  Without armor?  Didn't seem like it.  Maybe while other effects (DR) are going it fails?  Weird air hit reaction on Minotaur Swings.

(Misc stuff) Automaton needed more than what I had to give at 200MP with my spell spam.  E with Legionnaire and Deimos were doable (Robotos would need time to regain MP).  DMG kill was not in the cards (must take the "O").  We're not Old Man Thunder.  Robotos hits that bounce off armor won't give MP orbs.  Probably the same for a shield.  EoA arc charge non-listed rapid hits all count for MP building (rapid orb drops).  Great for E.  Not so impressive on VH.  Not sure if arch charge will do anything for sDMG.  NWR that treats TB as allowed would obviously be doable (just annoying like VH PAIN+ in GoW:A).  NWR+ to be the real thing would absolutely need a Saint Mod giving all the MP benefit you can think of.

Enemy FF (even on statues) counts, but not all moves can do it.  Probably going to be AoE types when not talking statues.  Gorgon petrification beam constantly count as hits for FF (statue or otherwise).  Keeping close to the source has it miss.  Harpling bomber doesn't.  Queen freeze won't FF for orbs or anything else.  That move is so ass you can just hop around (same for the divebomb).  Can't stay in their face to neg like stone though.  Archers don't want to use their melee at all and like to just run away.  They rarely want to use straight shot.  The artillery can FF for MP drop (hard to set-up).

Robotos disables AoS L+o's block frame DMG negation.  Treated like hyper armor.  Only this costume does it.  Hoplite Guard shield works as expected against magic.  No MP orbs for bouncing off it (though a blocking Keres Wraith still gives up the goods *as with 'Ghost' for HP*).  Dredge pounds are still more FF AoE for orbs.  Think the spawn Kamikaze was, too.  Piraeus Lion roar beats i-frames for spells.  Block frames of costumes OTHER than Robotos job with AoS L+o.  How about that?  Minotaur Brute swings count for FF.  Return can reflect multiple incoming shots at once.  AoS version can do Counter after Return, so that's nice for it.

NOTE: Maybe DMG values for ZEWS.  Maybe Tracking for him.  Hard to say what will come now.  Could just be a long wait until the intended runs.  Time will tell.

3God of War : Ghost of Sparta Empty Re: God of War : Ghost of Sparta Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:50 pm


God of War
Expert on all things God of War

Without bothering with presentation, I'll just drop some raw copypasta from chatter with Zester (not ideal to leave it in some comment tree to be left and forgotten as with so much else I've said/done):


4God of War : Ghost of Sparta Empty Re: God of War : Ghost of Sparta Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:22 am



>Cancel rules
Ahh, Vey. Cancel culture would love to have you. We welcome you in open arms (of Sparta lol).

Gonna have fun reading thie. Remember, Vey. Never goon.

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