Oh man it's been so long since I saw old footage. It's pretty interesting to see also since it's a pretty new build. Lots of older footage uses the old test UI which was more purple. You can still see it's quite unoptimized (very slow) and edited (weapon swap). Also the OTs don't seem to have a cinematic camera all the time which is pretty neat. Lots of moves also don't have the 'blue trail' yet.
Pretty interesting enemy setups as well.
One super interesting note is that this is, IIRC, the first footage where we see OLUTs being done by a developer or in any sort of promotional material.
The Zedonius reveal is extremely interesting, don't remember seeing that. It's funny that his animations are all 1-to-1 identical to his current reveal and battle introduction, just with a different background. Imagine fighting him on the staircase though...