Welcome to Stinger Magazine's Forum.
As most of you know this place was made for the fans of the genre, and who wish to discuss tactics, strategies, future directions for the genre at large etc. This forum will have a strict policy though to prevent it from degrading. We want this board to be a haven away from the hate-pile that is Gamefaqs, Neogaf, Reddit etc.
As most of you know this place was made for the fans of the genre, and who wish to discuss tactics, strategies, future directions for the genre at large etc. This forum will have a strict policy though to prevent it from degrading. We want this board to be a haven away from the hate-pile that is Gamefaqs, Neogaf, Reddit etc.
- be polite, treat others the way you want to be treated (and if you want to be treated as shit, still treat others normally);
- this is a videogame forum. I don't mind minor political talk and the sort, but try to keep it on the topic of videogames where possible;
- people that play casually aren't casuals;
- respect that other games in the genre, which aren't as good as Ninja Gaiden Black, Devil May Cry 3 or God of War 2, still have a right to exist and can be analysed or compared;
- there is no 'best' way to make a game, and tastes vary. Respect this;
- don't insult;
- I won't ban people outright, but give one warning. I don't care how famous you are or how important you are to the genre at large: cross the rules and you're out;
- we're all adults here, I'm not going to spurt endless rules on "no porn" and "no hacking" or "no flooding". If you act like an idiot or a child or do stupid things: you're out;
- posting in old threads is more than allowed!